[Juju工作坊] 連結與意圖:繩縛中的心靈交織 Connection and Intention in Shibari
開始時間:2024-09-22 13:00 - 3 hours
結束時間:2024-09-22 16:00
[ Juju工作坊 ]
* 參加者價格:一組1800NT(縛/受縛可互換)
Juju is back!
This workshop focuses on how to bring more connection into your tying. Through simple exercises, we'll see what we mean by connection and how to convey your intention to your model more accurately. Juju will share his vision and philosophy of Shibari, which he gathered through 10 years of experience around the globe and many influences. It is not a technical workshop per se, but rather a holistic approach to Shibari. Let's not forget that ropes are just a canvas that we use to paint the beauty of letting go.
* Price 1800NT / pair. Rigger, model can switch
更多資訊與報名請填表單~ More info and Register for the event:
⚠️ 若未收到報名成功通知信者,將謝絕入場,請勿自行前往。若針對名額及e-mail寄發有疑問者,請透過社群媒體詢問或來信 downstairscat@gmail.com,我們會儘快回答。
🚫 報名額滿即會關閉表單不再接受報名,敬請見諒
⚠️ You will not be allowed to enter if you cannot present the confirmation letter. Do NOT come to the salon unless you received the confirmation letter. Should you have any questions regarding your attendance status, please message us through social media or email us at downstairscat@gmail.com Answers will be provided as soon as possible.
🚫 We have limited capacity for the attendees. This registration form will be closed once the registration reached its limits, thank you for your understanding.
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Connection and Intention in Shibari
- 9/22 週日
- 下午 13:00-16:00 / 3小時
* 參加者價格:一組1800NT(縛/受縛可互換)
Juju is back!
This workshop focuses on how to bring more connection into your tying. Through simple exercises, we'll see what we mean by connection and how to convey your intention to your model more accurately. Juju will share his vision and philosophy of Shibari, which he gathered through 10 years of experience around the globe and many influences. It is not a technical workshop per se, but rather a holistic approach to Shibari. Let's not forget that ropes are just a canvas that we use to paint the beauty of letting go.
* Price 1800NT / pair. Rigger, model can switch
更多資訊與報名請填表單~ More info and Register for the event:
⚠️ 若未收到報名成功通知信者,將謝絕入場,請勿自行前往。若針對名額及e-mail寄發有疑問者,請透過社群媒體詢問或來信 downstairscat@gmail.com,我們會儘快回答。
🚫 報名額滿即會關閉表單不再接受報名,敬請見諒
⚠️ You will not be allowed to enter if you cannot present the confirmation letter. Do NOT come to the salon unless you received the confirmation letter. Should you have any questions regarding your attendance status, please message us through social media or email us at downstairscat@gmail.com Answers will be provided as soon as possible.
🚫 We have limited capacity for the attendees. This registration form will be closed once the registration reached its limits, thank you for your understanding.
查看貓樓公開行事曆Our open calendar (to view)
查看貓樓大門 Our Linktree laaaaa