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貓樓上 - 平日醬子練繩吧! Cats Downstairs Weeknight Open Rope Jam
開始時間:2025-01-16 19:00 - 3 hours
結束時間:2025-01-16 22:00
下班下課練繩去!一個繩縛愛好者、新手聚會與練習的地方! Where to go after work/class? A place for rope lovers to hang out and practice!   了解更多&報名>>> More info & signup >>> https://www.catsdownstairs.com/service-page/%E5%B9%B3%E6%97%A5%E7%B7%B4%E7%B9%A9%E9%86%AC-weeknight-rope-jam-6-13-20-27-thur   【貓樓上 3.0 】平日醬子練繩吧 歡迎來到貓樓上3.0!除了我們常態的週日貓樓上。繩語沙龍外,本月試營運將開放平日晚間7-10PM,歡迎大家來使用場地並給我們建議。Jam-醬。Jam是一個大家來一起做點什麼的聚會,也是大家一起來即興創作的動詞。沒有其他意譯,你可以常看到爵士樂的Jam,大概就是一群樂手聚在一起玩音樂。Rope Jam就是我們聚在一起綁綁啦~ 為確保社群安全及活動品質,參加者請務必遵守以下規則,如有任何問題,請告知工作人員,我們會全力協助。 【Cats Downstairs 3.0】— Weeknight Open Rope Jam Welcome to Cats Downstairs 3.0! In addition to our regular Sunday Nights Cats Downstairs Rope Salon, we're opening our venue on weekdays this month from 7 to 10 PM, welcoming everyone to come try our new space and give us feedback. Jam is a gathering where people meet and do something creative; it is also a verb that you improvise together with others. When you see a jazz jam, it's a bunch of musicians playing music together. Rope Jam is where we meet and tie! Please adhere to the following policies and guidelines to ensure community safety and event quality. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out. 報名 & 入場原則: • 報名成功並獲得確認信者,始得入場。 • 確認信內有詳細地址及活動事項。 • 不可代他人報名,參加者每人皆需自行報名。 Registration & Attendance Policy: • A successful registration with the confirmation email is required for attendance. • A confirmation email comes with our address and detailed event information. • Each participant must fill out their own registration form. 活動詳情: • 地點:近捷運民權西路站/圓山站。確切地址請參照確認信內容。 • 歡迎各路人士參加,不限性別。 • 所有參加人士均需獲得同等尊重,包括個人界線及知情同意原則。 • 在尊重所有其他參加人士的前提下,您享有自由、安全的自我表達空間,不受個人認同限制。 Event Details: • Venue: Within walking distance of MRT Yuanshan Station and MRT Minquan West Road. The exact address will be sent in the confirmation email. • Open to all genders and sexualities. • Respect for all participants is paramount, including boundaries and informed consent. • No matter how you identify yourself, you can speak and present yourself freely and safely here, on the ground that you provide equal respect to all other participants. 設備: • 豐富的懸吊設備。 • 精挑細選的音樂清單、茶點。 • 提供一些公用繩,不過,還是建議您攜帶自己的繩子。 Amenities: • Suspension equipment provided. • Playlist, tea, and snacks available. • We have a limited stock of ropes; we encourage you to bring your own ropes. 事前經驗: • 無論您是剛接觸繩縛/自縛吊的新朋友或是資深繩手,貓樓上・繩語沙龍都歡迎您! • 沒有繩縛相關經驗的朋友也很歡迎! • 如果不想社交的話,也歡迎您在旁觀看! Experience Level: • All levels of rope lovers are welcome. • No prior experience is necessary.  • You are free to just observe on your own if you do not wish to participate or socialize. 入場費: • 現金付款或銀行轉帳 • 均一價300NT。 Entrance Fee: • Cash or bank transfer is accepted. • 300NT Linktree https://linktr.ee/catsdownstairs Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/catsdownstairstaipei Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cats_downstairs/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/RopeSalon